
FT 50即英国《金融时报》用于编制FT Research排名时所使用的50种期刊。


1. Academy of Management Journal


2. Academy of Management Review


3. Accounting, Organizations and Society


4. Administrative Science Quarterly


5. American Economic Review


6. Contemporary Accounting Research


7. Econometrica


8. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice


9. Harvard Business Review


10. Human Relations*


11. Human Resource Management


12. Information Systems Research


13. Journal of Accounting and Economics


14. Journal of Accounting Research


15. Journal of Applied Psychology


16. Journal of Business Ethics


17. Journal of Business Venturing


18. Journal of Consumer Psychology


19. Journal of Consumer Research


20. Journal of Finance


21. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis


22. Journal of Financial Economics


23. Journal of International Business Studies


24. Journal of Management*


25. Journal of Management Information Systems*


26. Journal of Management Studies


27. Journal of Marketing


28. Journal of Marketing Research


29. Journal of Operations Management


30. Journal of Political Economy


31. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science*


32. Management Science


33. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management*


34. Marketing Science


35. MIS Quarterly


36. Operations Research


37. Organization Science


38. Organization Studies


39. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes


40. Production and Operations Management


41. Quarterly Journal of Economics


42. Research Policy*


43. Review of Accounting Studies


44. Review of Economic Studies*


45. Review of Finance*


46. Review of Financial Studies


47. Sloan Management Review


48. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal*


49. Strategic Management Journal


50. The Accounting Review
