Get me是什么意思?

1、get me 拿给我

2、get me down打垮我

3、get me there 难倒我

4、get me wrong 误会误解


I asked him to get me some information. 我请他为我打探一些消息

2.If you happen to be going to the post office, please get me some commemorative stamps.你上邮局的话,捎带给我买几张纪念邮票。

3.Let's keep to the subject, or you'll get me too confused. 别跑题,否则你会把我搞糊涂的。

4.Don't get me wrong, it's interesting work. But it's not permanent 别误会我的意思,这个工作很有意思,可惜不是长期性的。

5.'Get me some water, Jeremy!' I screeched “给我来点水,杰里米!”我尖声喊道。

6.Go and get me a large brandy
