
1.Do A Survey Of Consumer Buying Habits.(做一个有关消费者购买习惯的调查。

2.Cultural Factors Underlie The Differences That Exist In Buying Habits And Business Dealings From Country To Country.文化要素强调存在于各国之间的购买习惯和交易上的区别,

3.The Central Computer Could Develop A Highly Detailed Profile On A Customer's Watching And Purchasing Habits And Opinions On Issues.中央计算机能够对顾客的鉴赏心理和购买习惯以及分歧意见进行非常详尽的剖析。

4.Consumer Habits And Buying Patterns Are Always Changing.消费者的习惯和购买模式总是不断变化的。

5.Diffusion Of A New Product Regarding Habitual And Loyal Purchase;习惯性或忠诚性购买行为下的新产品扩散

6.Place Consumers Are Accustomed To Looking For Goods In A Particular Place.地点消费者习惯于在特定的地点寻找要购买的商品。

7.I'm Not Used To Doing Shopping Online.我不习惯于网上购物。

8.Consumers In The UK Are Used To Paying A Service Charge When They Purchase Tickets For The Theatre, Sporting Events, And Other Forms Of Entertainment.英国的消费者已经习惯于在购买戏票,体育门票和其他娱乐门票时制服服务费。
