
The old man told me and he told me good

歌词大意: 这位老人告诉我,他告诉我好

The old man taught me every trick in the book

歌词大意: 这位老人教我书中的每个技巧

And when he expired in a whispered groan

歌词大意: 他在低声的呻吟过期时

He said, "Go crush the empire, operate alone."

歌词大意: 他说,"去粉碎帝国,独自一人操作。

"'Cause you're the last of the Mohicans

歌词大意: "因为你是最后的莫希干人

You're the last of the killer tribe

歌词大意: 你是最后的杀手部落

You better find the man who runs it

歌词大意: 你最好找操纵它的人

The man who's gonna set this world on fire

歌词大意: 要放火烧这世界的人

"Behind a wall of titanium

歌词大意: "钛墙

You gotta tear it down stone by stone

歌词大意: 你得推倒石的石头

In the middle of the evening

歌词大意: 在晚上

In the middle of the night

歌词大意: 在深夜

I'll come a prowlin'

歌词大意: 我会来 prowlin'

I can smell his hid

歌词大意: 我能闻到他躲了起来

Looks like a vampire in broad daylight

歌词大意: 看起来像一个吸血鬼在光天化日之下

So I pull the trigger, put an end to the fight

歌词大意: 所以我扣动扳机,到战斗结束

'Cause I'm the last of the Mohicans

歌词大意: 因为我是最后的莫希干人

I'm gonna start multiplying

歌词大意: 我要去开始相乘

Like a fast eagle in disguise

歌词大意: 像在伪装的快速鹰

Won't help you none

歌词大意: 不会帮你没有

Redskin is about to track you down

Disguise protect you no

From a last flash of indigo
