all day用什么时态?

all day与使用何种时态基本没有关系,也就是说用任何时态都可能.

all day adv.整天;一天到晚

例句:I' ve been on my legs all day and I'm tired out.我整天站着,累极了.

这类状语根据具体语境的需要,可连用以下时态:①一般现在时Don’t lie in bed all morning! 别一上午都躺在床上!He works all day, that is to say, from 9 to 5. 他全天工作,也就是说,从上午九时至下午五时。

②一般过去时I was in the office all morning. 我整个上午都在办公室内。She sat by the phone all morning. 她整个早晨都守在电话旁边。

③一般将来时Sometimes the cat will lie there all afternoon. 有时猫在那里会一躺一整个下午。

Don’t set him off talking politics or he’ll go on all evening. 可别让他谈起政治来 要不然他一谈就得一个晚上。

④过去进行时It was raining all the afternoon. 整个下午都在下雨。What were you doing all morning 你整个上午在干什么⑤将来进行时Will you be working all day 你整天都要工作吗She’ll be coaching all summer. 她整个夏天将要作辅导工作。

⑥现在完成时I haven’t seen her all day. 我一整天都没看见她。I haven’t had a smoke all day. 我一整天还没抽过烟呢。

⑦现在完成进行时I’ve been doing this exercise all day. 我整天都在做这个练习。

I’ve been painting the room all morning. 我一上午都在粉刷房间。
