
The story behind The Blue Cat Blues began with a little Cat named Sad Cat, who had sadly died by drowning in a lake.一开始,一只叫做忧郁猫的小猫在湖中淹没而死去,而这就是“蓝猫波比”背后的故事。

Sad Cat had two friends, Tom Cat and Jerry Mouse, who were both deeply saddened by his death. In their grief, they wrote a song in his memory called The Blue Cat Blues.忧郁猫的两个朋友,汤姆猫和老鼠杰瑞,对他的去世感到极度悲痛。

在他们的悲伤中,他们为他写了一首名为《蓝猫波比》的悼歌。The song was about the sadness and heartache of losing their friend, and how it made them both feel so empty inside. The song also contained a message about sadness, showing that it's OK to be sad for a while, and that eventually, sadness will fade and you can find happiness again.这首歌诉说的是失去朋友带来的悲伤和心痛,以及它如何让他们都感到空虚。

歌词也包含了一个关于悲伤的信息,表明悲伤暂时是可以的,而且最终,悲伤会消失,你会再次找到快乐。Since then, The Blue Cat Blues has been passed down through the generations and has become a beloved, timeless classic. The song is a reminder that sadness is a part of life, but that eventually, you can find joy again.
